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SIC (US 1987) : Eureka! is no longer in ?business. I?ve given up the sales side of it. Too many calls from folks that bought their generic detectors from discount stores and wanted ?free? advice on how to use them. I just don?t wear a blue smock! I still have fun with it as a hobby, and by request, will keep the site active but with limited updates. To those past customers, I can only say ?Thank You, Thank You.
Welcome to the ancient hobby of treasure hunting. Eureka! is my endeavor to promote a terrific hobby. This hobby is one of the few that offers the hope making more than you spend.well the operative word is hope! If you believe that you?ve lost more money than you?ve ever found, it's out there somewhere. To many, coins are low priority items compared to the relics of history. I fall into this category. If you want a hobby you can share with your friends, spouse, children, (or your parents) this one is super, unless of course, you are an uninformed struggling writer looking for instant gratification. Or for that matter, anyone thinking that this is an ?immediately get rich deal.
I found a token buried in a friends yard that commemorated Admiral Byrd reaching the Pole. Apparently the Admiral had a "road show" afterward that traveled the U. S. During this trek, the caravan broke down in Columbia City, Indiana. Now over 70 years later, I found the token, and the history behind it. In that same yard, I found a makeup compact from 1917 or 1918.
Members of our local club have found many high school class rings. One of the ongoing club projects is to reunite the ring with the owner. Several of the club members (Miami Valley Treasure Hunting Association) have invited the owners to attend and reclaim their rings at the monthly meetings. What a way to let people in the community learn about the club.
Other members of clubs that I belong to, find great joy in this hobby.Their interests include local historical recovery, aiding law enforcement agencies with evidence detection, and contesting. Recovering old toys always brings smiles, especially if it was one of your own. Old cap guns, small metal toy cars, clickers, and mom's silverware are some of the "treasures" that are recovered.
One of the ways hunters can sharpen their skills is to participate in a seeded hunt. Basically, a group will bury a fixed number of coins in a closed area. A time limit is set, and the "hunters" are let on the field. A signal is given, and the hunt is on. The hunter with the highest coin count is usually the winner. Other variations are possible, but the rules are always established before the hunt begins. Now to some folks, a seeded hunt may sound like your hiding your own Easter eggs, but either as a participant or an observer it is really fun.
Seriously, this is one of the most thought provoking hobbies that one can have. It can span the age group from about 5 to 90. Any 90 plus hunters out there, stand up and take a bow. While many members of this hobby use metal detectors and other search equipment, I think that your brain and imagination are still the primary "tools of the trade".
This hobby offers some interesting variety. From historical research to field work with sophisticated equipment like a shovel! Now as cyber geniuses, you might quickly ascertain that the actions required to minimize the shovel side of the equation will require more effort on the "intelligence gathering" effort. Now, for most of us, it?s a great winter activity while the ground was frozen. Finally, spring is coming to northern Indiana. Those 'wheaties' that I plucked out of the ground, helped me relate to those newly arrived Robins that were watching me.
Well, looking at the page. it has been a very busy past many years. So I guess it was time to update the website. The Second Annual Eureka! BlackHand Challenge was held on October 14th. It was a seeded hunt in what we Hoosiers call muck. The more correct term would be peat moss. This part of Indiana has some of the richest soil in the world. Less than 5 miles from here was where the giant Mastodon remains were found a couple of years ago in a peat moss pit. Dirt that is the blackest that you've ever seen. Hence the 'BlackHand'. The 'Challenge' came from the depth of the coins. 3000 coins were planted at an average depth of 6 inches. Many detectors were missing the targets, so that was a test of man and machine. Another part of the 'Challenge' was the maze that some of the hunters entered. A second hunt was added this year, I called it The Silver Chase. It wasn't total silver, but here were some of the coins that the hunters targeted:
Large Cents
Flying Eagle Cents
Indian Head Cents
Two Cent pieces
Silver 3 Cent pieces
Shield Nickels
Buffalo Nickels
Half Dimes
Capped Bust Dimes
Liberty Seated Dimes
Barber Dimes
Mercury Dimes
Capped Bust Quarters
Liberty Seated Quarters
Barber Quarters
Standing Liberty Quarters
Silver Washington Quarters
Capped Bust Half Dollars
Liberty Seated Half Dollars
Barber Half Dollars
Walking Liberty Half Dollars
Franklin Half Dollars
Morgan Dollars
Peace Dollars
Absolutely no one minded the absence of Roosevelt Dimes! Many of the younger hunters had never seen before, some of the coins they were digging. The most rewarding part of the hunt was watching hunters still digging coins at the one hour mark. It made the 3 month burying process worth it.
Everybody claimed to have had a great time here in Columbia City. I'm looking forward to the next BlackHand Challenge this summer. I'll post the date when I firm it up. I'll also make a pre-registration form available for planning.
Some pictures from previous Blackhand Challenges are on the page.
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