We have a tailored host of services to meet your needs from physical therapy to memory care to assisted living. When you’re ready, our employee-owners are standing by to listen to and help you find your best solution.
Nursing facility offering long-term residency, short-term rehab and respite stays, along with Occupational, Physical, and Speech therapy on an inpatient and outpatient basis. Nursing & Convalescent Homes Executives of Miller S Merry Manor CONNIE BALL Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : 1690 South County Farm Rd, Warsaw, IN 46581
Nursing and convalescent homes Miller's Merry Manor
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Miller's Merry Manor in Garrett you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1978
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