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Jonathan Green Sons Inc., Kendallville

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Jonathan Green is a leading supplier of grass seed, fertilizer and organic lawn and garden products. We work directly with professional customers ranging from sod growers to independent retailers such as garden centers and hardware stores. Find a store near you with our handy online store locator, or purchase our products online at

Distribution Services The Manager of Jonathan Green Sons Inc. is Jonathan Green Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : If you’ve yet to achieve your dream landscape, the solution to your problems is likely to be much easier than you might imagine. For instance, many lawn issues will be remedied by introducing superior grass seed varieties. These improved turfgrasses are naturally dark-green in color, and contain beneficialfor natural insect and disease resistance without the application of man-made pesticides. If you have a lawn where weeds, disease or insects are a significant problem, then traditional lawn care chemicals may be necessary to initially address these problems. However, we recommend eventually focusing on creating a more healthy soil to feed your grass and boost its defenses!
Here’s an analogy for your consideration: Imagine that you feel ill and go to the doctor and he tells you that you have the flu. To cure the flu he prescribes antibiotics, but after the immediate illness has been eliminated, he suggests that you build-up your resistance to future health problems, by getting more, sleep, eating healthy and getting exercise. Moving from chemical based products to organic ones follows the same line of reasoning. We want to give you a thick and healthy lawn to help ward off problems before they start!

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Jonathan Green Sons Inc. in Kendallville you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1999

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 Address: 4230 E Us Highway 6
46755, Kendallville, Indiana

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Inverness, IL (Illinois), Kendallville, IN (Indiana)

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