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Cataloxy North Webster...Companies in North WebsterTransport & LogisticsMeans of transportMotor vehicle electrical and electronic equipmentGroup Dekko, Inc.

Group Dekko, North Webster


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Dekko is your trusted electrical solutions partner focused on power and data systems, LED lighting solutions, and electrical components and assemblies.

Battery Charging Equipment-Manufacturers The of Group Dekko, Inc. is Gerald Kaufman Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Integrity - For more than 60 years, Dekko has built its success on hiring great people who have helped our company build the Dekko legacy. We are always seeking fresh talent to add to our team of veteran employees.
Accountability - We pride ourselves on our reputation for consistently delivering superior results that customers rely on and trust. Our knowledgeable team of experts work in a solutions-based environment that drives motivation and innovation throughout our company culture.
Passion - We don’t just read about future trends, we set them. Our ideas, innovations and extensive product testing pave the way for tomorrow. Our active mentality keeps employees engaged & focused on the next advancement.
Unity - We work together, with you. Every team member and relationship is a valuable element of a partnership and an essential piece of our legacy. As a niche solutions provider, we thrive on technical proficiency and collaboration.
Customer Focus - Our external and internal customers are what keeps Dekko striving for greatness. We don’t just want to meet the expectations of those we work with, we want to be good partners, constantly working towards success for the benefit of everyone.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Group Dekko in North Webster you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: Po Box 337
46555, North Webster, Indiana

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led lighting, data systems, power systems, electrical solutions, electrical assemblies, electrical components
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