Corn Executives of Kirby Farms Inc
Owner, Gerald Kirby Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : IF you're in the business of production agriculture, as we are, you know that farming today is a tough game and the word "Profitable" is about as big as the word "IF"! On that note, Welcome to the website for Kirby Farms. First, let us tell you that we are a real farm of some 1500+ acres located in and NOT a figment of a website designer's imagination! Phase 1 of this website presents what we call the
"High Yield Corn Project". This is "real world" research designed to profitably produce high yield corn using a combination of different technologies.
Four different types of technology are included in Phase 1 of this site. One technology is "Irrigation". We know that "Irrigation" isn't for everyone but if you can apply it we think it's worth taking a look. We have and we like it. The other technologies included in Phase 1 have broad applicability. We'll use them this year. If they're new to us we'll tell you so. And we make you this promise. No sponsor of this project has had any input concerning any information contained in this website except that contained in their own URLs. And they won't!
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Kirby Farms Inc. in Sheridan you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1975
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