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Cataloxy Tell City...Companies in Tell CityRetirement Planning ServicesOakwood Health Campus

Oakwood Health Campus

closed now

Located near the banks of the mighty Ohio River in beautiful Southern Indiana, Oakwood Health Campus provides the comfort of a small town combined with the amenities of nearby Evansville. This combination ensures that the seniors who call our campus home can spend their days as they wish. Let our chefs pack you a picnic lunch to enjoy at Abe Lincoln Memorial Park. Indulge in a juicy ballpark hotdog at an Evansville Otters baseball game, or just put your feet up in our landscaped courtyard and sa

Located near the banks of the mighty Ohio River in beautiful Southern Indiana, Oakwood Health Campus provides the comfort of a small town combined with the amenities of nearby Evansville. This combination ensures that the seniors who call our campus home can spend their days as they wish. Let our chefs pack you a picnic lunch to enjoy at Abe Lincoln Memorial Park. Indulge in a juicy ballpark hotdog at an Evansville Otters baseball game, or just put your feet up in our landscaped courtyard and savor a late afternoon breeze. Whether youre looking for an Independent Living villa, an Assisted Living neighborhood, Skilled Nursing Services or Memory Care, life at Oakwood Health Campus is full of options, as well as people dedicated to exceeding your expectations.

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* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 1143 23rd St
47586, Tell City, Indiana
Opening hours:
Mon — Sun:from 12:00 AM to 12:00 PM, no break
closed now

Category of Oakwood Health Campus:


Health, Medical, Retirement, Homes
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