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Cataloxy Huntertown...Jobs in HuntertownCompany jobs Elevate Energy Team (Fort Wayne)Event Sales Coordinator

Job Event Sales Coordinator

ID: 1037203   0

Event Sales Coordinator, Huntertown

Salary range: $60631 per year

Summary information

Position: Event Sales Coordinator
Published: 01/21/2025. Relevant to: 02/05/2025
Job type: full time
Gender: any
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

We are seeking an Event Sales Coordinator to help take our client’s retail marketing and advertising campaigns to the next level. The role will be an integral part of our event marketing and promotions team in order to help raise awareness for assigned brands. Want to make a positive impact on the event marketing industry? We are changing the way people interact with brands and customer experience as a whole. Are you a master relationship builder? Our Event Sales Coordinator is the key liaison between our clients and their customers through integrated marketing and event sales initiatives.

Scope of Responsibilities:

  • Develop and execute marketing communications and event sales strategies in order to establish and maintain a positive brand image
  • Generate a buzz about the client and company with the general public through targeted communications and retail marketing strategies
  • Assist in the creation of promotional collateral and visual presentations
  • Promote products and services in a meaningful way to the public and provide a direct feedback loop for continued market success
  • Develop solid working relationships with cross-functional counterparts
  • Conduct educational and training meetings for colleagues on clients, products, and services
  • Gather customer references and testimony for further branding and retail marketing efforts

Attributes for Success:

  • Proactive, goal-oriented individuals who take pride in what they do and in successfully completing their tasks.
  • Strong interpersonal skills.
  • Strategic thinking skills and the ability to solve problems and overcome obstacles
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills.
  • Strong leadership and a high degree of independence while still functioning within a team-oriented environment.
  • Ideally have experience in marketing, public relations, sales, and customer service. All training is provided, however, a strong foundation ensures success.


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